from 01.01.1999 to 01.01.2023
Saint Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Abstract: Introduction. Ensuring secrecy in operational-search activities and protecting state and official secrets is associated with the forced disclosure of certain previously classified operational-search information in order to solve the tasks of operational-search activities and criminal proceedings, as well as with intentional or accidental disclosure of information about covert forces, means and methods of operational-search activities containing state or official secrets. At the same time, a uniform understanding by theorists and practitioners of the essence of the concepts of "publicization" and "disclosure of information" seems to be a guarantor of the correct legal definition and their subsequent theoretical use, as well as effective activities to directly ensure secrecy. Scientists note the lack of unity of views on these concepts, which gives rise to a collision of their scientific understanding and applied use. As part of the study of a private theory of secrecy in operational-search activities, the author analyzes the modern views of the legislator and legal scholars on these aspects. Methods. The study used dialectical, formal-logical general scientific methods, comparative legal method and method of content analysis of normative legal acts. The author conducted a comparative and substantive analysis of a number of Federal laws and codes and scientific views of modern scientists on this issue. Results. The author comes to the conclusion that "publicity in operational-search activities" is "lawful targeted activity of officials of bodies implementing operational-search activities to disclose information or data that are a State or official secret to a specific person, a specific or undefined group of persons for the purpose of solving operational-search activities tasks". At the same time, disclosure of information in operational-search activities can be presented as "intentional or careless disclosure in any (active or passive) form of confidential information to third parties without the appropriate permission by a person who knows this information in connection with his professional or other lawful activities".
Operational investigative activities, private theory of secrecy, secrecy in operational investigative activities, ensuring secrecy, the institution of secrecy, conspiracy, making public, disclosure of information.
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