Gogiberidze Georgiy

Academic degree
doctor of pedagogical sciences (speciality - VAC 5.8 Педагогика)
Science rang
  1. Moscow State Pedagogical University , department Psychology of Education and Prevention of Deviant Behavior, Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy , professor ,
  2. Moscow City Pedagogical University , Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences , professor ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior" ,
Scientific interests
VAC 5.3 Психология
VAC 5.8 Педагогика
Scientific and pedagogical activity
In 1984 graduated with honors from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Karachay-Cherkess State Pedagogical Institute; in 1993 graduated from the full-time postgraduate course of the Moscow Pedagogical State University with the qualification of teacher-researcher and defended a PhD thesis. The academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded by the Dissertation Council of the Moscow Pedagogical State University on June 28, 1993 in the specialty 13.00.02 - theory and methodology of teaching and education. The academic rank of associate professor at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Methods of Teaching was awarded by the decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on August 29, 1995 № 569-d. The academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences was awarded by the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation on February 20, 1998 № 8d/28 on the basis of the defense of the doctoral dissertation in the dissertation council at the Moscow Pedagogical State University. The academic title of professor in the Department of Theory and Methodology of Teaching Humanities disciplines was awarded by the decision of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation on July 22, 1998 № 381-p. Actively participates as a speaker and organizer of International, All-Russian, regional and university scientific-practical conferences. She is the deputy chairman of the organizing committee and deputy editor-in-chief of the editorial board of the conferences held within the framework of the Days of Science of Moscow State Pedagogical University: "Modern Society and Education in the Socio-Political and Economic Space of Moscow" (April 2011); "Problems of Forming a Culture of Peace in the Educational Space of Moscow" (March 2012); "Transformation of Socio-Political and Economic Orientations in the Modern Metropolitan Metropolis" (April 2013); "Modern Society and Education in the Socio-Political and Economic Space of Moscow" (April 2013); "Modern Society and Education in the Socio-Political and Economic Space of Moscow" (April 2012); "The Transformation of Socio-Political and Economic Orientations in the Modern Metropolitan Metropolitan Metropolis" (April 2013). He has been a leading speaker at the traditional Lomonosov Readings held as part of the Days of Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University (2008, 2009, 2010); at the International Seminar "Roerich and Modernity" (Paris, 2011); at the traditional International Christmas Educational Readings held under the honorary chairmanship of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (2013, 2014, 2015); at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Transformation of Social, Political, and Economic Orientations in the Modern Metropolitan Metropolis" (April 2013); at the traditional International Christmas Educational Readings held under the honorary chairmanship of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (2013, 2014, 2015). ); at the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Religion in the Modern World" (Vladikavkaz, 2014); at the International Scientific Conference "St. Prince Vladimir and the Baptism of Russia: the civilizational choice of the East Slavic world" (Minsk, 2015); at the International Scientific Conference "State, Society, Church in the History of Russia of the XX-XX1 centuries" (Ivanovo, 2015) and others.
Contribution to science
The main studies are devoted to the problems of formation of inter-ethnic and inter-confessional tolerance among students; moral and aesthetic and civil-patriotic education of youth; spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia and social prevention of adolescent deviation; the problem of religious and political extremism and its prevention, the history of religion. Author of more than 70 scientific and educational publications, including 6 monographs and 5 textbooks and manuals.
State and public posts and positions
Expert of the National Anti-Terrorist Committee of the Russian Federation. Expert in the field of state accreditation of the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science.
1) Grant RGNF, № 02-06-16021, 2002 god. 2) Grant Fond podderzhki islamskoy kul'tury, nauki i obrazovaniya, № 131-2010, 2010 god.


Aktual'nye modeli gosudarstvennoy i regional'noy politiki v sfere patrioticheskogo vospitaniya. – M.: Infra-M.– 2021. – 154 s. (v soavtorstve s B.S. Pavlovym i A.V. Paculoy).

Mezhkul'turnye kommunikacii v sovremennom mire. – M.: MGPU. – 2018. – 111 s.

(v soavtorstve s A.V. Zhukockoy, S.V. Chernen'koy, S.B. Kozhevnikovym).

 Molodezhnye praktiki v sovremennom obschestve: mezhdisciplinarnyy dialog. – M.: MGPU. – 2018. – 192 s. (v soavtorstve s D.K.Andramonovym, E.I. Borovlevoy, I.A Vasil'evym)

Formirovanie rossiyskoy identichnosti v moskovskom obrazovatel'nom prostranstve. M.: MGPU. – 2016. – 124 s. (v soavtorstve s O.V.Shapovalovoy).

Soderzhanie i organizaciya vospitatel'noy raboty v universitete. Stavropol'. – 2004. – 264 s. (v soavtorstve s N.P. Klushinoy, Yu.N. Klochko).

Dialog kul'tur v sisteme literaturnogo obrazovaniya. – M.: Nauka. – 2003. – 184 s.


Development of innovations in the educational environment inclusive education and digital technologies [Razvitie innovaciy v inklyuzivnoy obrazovatel'noy srede i cifrovye tehnologii] // Revista inclusions. Tom 7. 2020. S. 147−158.

Uchebniki i uchebno-metodicheskie posobiya:

Istoriya Rossii. Uchebnik dlya srednego professional'nogo obrazovaniya. 4-e izd., per. i dop. M.: Yurayt, 2020. 565 s. (v soavtorstve s M.A. Bravinoy).

Osnovy svetskoy etiki. 4 klass (uchebnik). M.: Mnemozina. – 2013. – 127 s.

Osnovy svetskoy etiki. 5 klass (uchebnik). M.: Mnemozina. – 2013. – 143 s.

Istoriya Rossii. 8 klass (uchebnik). M.: Mnemozina. – 2013. – 303 s. (v soavtorstve s I.N. Ionovym, E.N. Zaharovoy).

Osnovy svetskoy etiki (metodicheskoe posobie dlya uchitelya). M.: Mnemozina. – 2015. – 120 s.


Islamskiy tolkovyy slovar'. 750 statey / G. M. Gogiberidze. Rostov-na-Donu. – 2009. – Ser. Slovari. – 267 s.

Nauchnye stat'i, tezisy dokladov:

Organizaciya social'noy profilaktiki podrostkovoy deviacii // III Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya «Gercenovskie chteniya». SPb: RGPU. – 2020. – S. 230-238.

Pedagogicheskiy princip dialoga kul'tur kak znachimyy resurs protivodeystviya ideologii ekstremizma // Obrazovanie. Nauka. Nauchnye kadry. – 2017. – № 6. – S. 209-214. (№ 1499, perechen' recenziruemyh nauchnyh izdaniy VAK)

Duhovno-nravstvennoe vospitanie kak znachimyy resurs obespecheniya social'noy bezopasnosti //Aktual'nye problemy social'no-pedagogicheskoy deyatel'nosti v kontekste social'noy bezopasnosti. Kolomna: CIPB RAN. – 2017. – S.98-105.

K probleme formirovaniya duhovno-nravstvennoy kul'tury obuchayuschihsya // Sovremennoe obschestvo i obrazovanie v social'no-politicheskom prostranstveMoskvy. M.: MGPU. – 2014. – S. 59-64.

Zhivaya etika v lingvofilosofskom kontinuume // Mezhdunarodnyy seminar «Rerih i sovremennost'». Parizh, 2011. – S. 18-24.   

Formirovanie muzeynoy pedagogiki // Prepodavanie istorii v shkole. – 2007. – № 8. – S. 3-15. (v soavtorstve s M.G. Chesnyak).

Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation


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