Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines modern legal and other measures of solution of problems of integration of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation and in a number of Western countries. Any immigrant country has as a part of its state migration policy the so-called “integration policy”(policy of integration) aimed at creation of conditions for adaptation and integration of migrants into new society, granting and protecting their rights and freedoms, providing social and socio and labour protection and creating comfortable socio-cultural climate for living. Immigrant countries use different models of state management of ethnic multitude. Models of multiculturalism and assimilation were the main. At present there takes place a peculiar process of diffusion - blurring clear boundaries between the models. Under conditions of a new migration situation, the Western countries are looking for new approaches to the solution of integration problems. Russian model of inclusion of migrants into receiving society is based on policy of sociocultural adaptation and integration, based on categorization of groups of migrants. Absence of clear strategy of the state migration policy in the field of socio-cultural adaptation and integration of migrants and lack of development in the field of migration legislation interfere with effective implementation of integration of migrants into Russian society. A number of new approaches and improvement mechanisms in the field of migration and national policy of the Russian Federation dealing with policy of adaptation and integration of migrants and legal regulation are proposed in the article.

policy of social and cultural adaptation, integration, social intervention, multicultural society, migration, social protection
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