Possibilities of the subjective approach in the study of relations of a criminogenic personality to the social environment
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Abstract (English):
Introduction. The study is devoted to the description of the possibilities of the subjective approach to identifying the criminogenicity of the individual on the example of his/her relations to the social environment. It notes the disparate perceptions of criminogenicity, which requires the integration of scientific knowledge. The author suggests the possibilities of the subjective approach to describe the criminogenicity of personality. The specificity of the description of criminogenicity in individual-psychological and socioenvironmental concepts is determined. The current state of genetic and neuropsychological studies of personality criminogenicity is described. The role of socio-environmental concepts is revealed. The importance of society in the formation of criminogenicity is noted in the concepts of anomie, social control and socialisation of personality. The importance of subjective attitude mediating the influence of individualpsychological and social-mediological factors is emphasised. Methods. The methodology of the subject approach was applied in the research process, general scientific (induction, analysis, synthesis) and private-scientific (extrapolation) research methods were used. Results. The possibilities of the subjective approach to the analysis of the causes of criminogenicity of personality, which are not explained by individual-psychological and socio-environmental concepts of criminogenicity, are described. It is determined that criminogenicity can be considered as a socially negative form of self-actualisation of personality. The self-actualisationis explained through the purposeful manifestation of cognitive and regulatory abilities in order to achieve a personally significant goal. At the same time subjectivity is characterised by defects of moral and ethical sphere, allowing preferring criminal behaviour to law-abiding in the situation of choice. It is noted that the manifestation of subjectivity can be characterised in the context of relations to the social environment, acting as a means of achieving selfrealisation. The results extend and clarify the possibilities of the subjective approach as applied to the analysis of criminogenic personality. The peculiarities of the implementation of subjectivity of a criminogenic personality in terms of overcoming the difficulties of life activity, formation of self-relationship and involvement of others in self-realisation are shown. The prospects of studying the causes, state and characteristics of relations of criminogenic personality to social environment as a source of new information about criminalisation and decriminalisation of personality are outlined.

subject approach, criminogenic personality, biological causes of crime, criminalisation, resocialisation of convicts, crime psychology
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