Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern criminology and criminal law are in the prolonged crisis provoked by inadequate and ineffective mechanism of informational circulation between these two spheres of social science and practice. The failure in the production of criminological information and its perception by criminal law serves as a symptom and as a cause of this crisis simultaneously. The way out of the crisis is seen as the analysis of the main components of the criminological information circulation mechanism and finding the way of its perfection. On the basis of critical analysis of the achievements of modern science the article investigates the main directions of perspective development of criminological science in order to produce modern and claimed by criminal law information. The research discusses the scientific problems of the production and circulation of scientific criminal information and the results of criminal law activities; proposes the mechanisms of calculation and use of criminological information in law making and law enforcing activities.

criminological crisis, ties between criminology and criminal law, criminological information, information circulation
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